Bruce 750

Maybole, North Carrick

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Year of events & celebrations leading to July 2024, 750th Anniversary of Robert the Bruce's birth

Company Bio

North Carrick is celebrating the 750th Anniversary of the birth of King Robert the Bruce! So, Join us on the 15th July at 11am on
Maybole’s Glebe Park for an exciting trip back in time to the medieval ages for a great family
day out with something for everyone!
Maybole’s Glebe will play host to an arena with battle re-enactments, jousting, plus dancing and music, countless stalls and food vendors,
as well as plenty of FREE medieval themed activities for our young people to enjoy, including archery,
axe throwing and traditional calligraphy! The North Carrick Community Benefit Company have contracted a team to deliver the
Bruce750 Project and are so excited to see the plans come to life! ‘NCCBC’ is a funder and
development organisation made possible by Scottish Power Renewables, which is focused on
improving the area of Maybole and North Carrick! You can find out more about NCCBC’s
activities via their website:
But why Bruce? Well, 2024 will mark 750 years since the Birth of arguably Scotland’s greatest
King, Robert the Bruce. It is widely believed by a number of historians that Robert the Bruce
was born at Turnberry Castle in North Carrick, and it is a well-known fact that Bruce spent his
childhood at Turnberry and was connected to North Carrick over the course of his life, most
notably being the first Earl of Carrick when the title became associated with the crown.
North Carrick are celebrating this milestone by hosting a series of events which began in January 2024 with Brucie Burns Supper and a Quiz Tournament - with a Bruce Festival planned in Maybole for 13th July 2024. Don’t forget to follow us on social media to keep up to date with the
programme of events!

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